In this paper we demonstrate both numerically and experimentally that it is possible to make a pinned-pinned shallow arch snap to and remain vibrating on the other side by harmonic excitation in the longitudinal direction at the end. One end of the arch is fixed in space, while the other end is attached to a mechanical shaker via a spring. The shaker-mount is first moved a small distance toward the arch to ensure that the arch assembly possesses two stable equilibrium positions, one on each side of the base line. The spring connecting the arch end and the mechanical shaker is carefully chosen such that a small shaker stroke can induce a large vibration amplitude in the arch. The natural frequencies of the two (initial and snapped, respectively) positions are measured first. By adjusting the excitation frequency of the mechanical shaker to the first natural frequency of either position of the arch, we demonstrate that the arch can be snapped to and remain vibrating on the other side when the magnitude of the electric current flowing through the shaker is properly chosen. The vibrant snapping action of the arch recorded in the experiment is confirmed by numerical simulation.
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August 2007
Technical Papers
Snapping of a Shallow Arch With Harmonic Excitation at One End
Jen-San Chen,
Jen-San Chen
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Taiwan University
, Taipei, Taiwan 10617
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Der-Wei Chang
Der-Wei Chang
Graduate Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Taiwan University
, Taipei, Taiwan 10617
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Jen-San Chen
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Taiwan University
, Taipei, Taiwan 10617e-mail:
Der-Wei Chang
Graduate Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Taiwan University
, Taipei, Taiwan 10617J. Vib. Acoust. Aug 2007, 129(4): 514-519 (6 pages)
Published Online: April 16, 2007
Article history
December 23, 2006
April 16, 2007
Chen, J., and Chang, D. (April 16, 2007). "Snapping of a Shallow Arch With Harmonic Excitation at One End." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. August 2007; 129(4): 514–519.
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