In the paper, self-adapting models capable of reproducing time-dependent data with high computational speed are investigated. The considered models are recurrent feed-forward neural networks (RNNs) with one feedback loop in a recursive computational structure, trained by using a back-propagation learning algorithm. The data used for both training and testing the RNNs have been generated by means of a nonlinear physics-based model for compressor dynamic simulation, which was calibrated on a multistage axial-centrifugal small size compressor. The first step of the analysis is the selection of the compressor maneuver to be used for optimizing RNN training. The subsequent step consists in evaluating the most appropriate RNN structure (optimal number of neurons in the hidden layer and number of outputs) and RNN proper delay time. Then, the robustness of the model response towards measurement uncertainty is ascertained, by comparing the performance of RNNs trained on data uncorrupted or corrupted with measurement errors with respect to the simulation of data corrupted with measurement errors. Finally, the best RNN model is tested on field data taken on the axial-centrifugal compressor on which the physics-based model was calibrated, by comparing physics-based model and RNN predictions against measured data. The comparison between RNN predictions and measured data shows that the agreement can be considered acceptable for inlet pressure, outlet pressure and outlet temperature, while errors are significant for inlet mass flow rate.
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July 2006
Technical Papers
Simulation of Compressor Transient Behavior Through Recurrent Neural Network Models
M. Venturini
M. Venturini
ENDIF—University of Ferrara
, Via Saragat, 1, 44100 Ferrara, Italy
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M. Venturini
ENDIF—University of Ferrara
, Via Saragat, 1, 44100 Ferrara, ItalyJ. Turbomach. Jul 2006, 128(3): 444-454 (11 pages)
Published Online: February 1, 2005
Article history
October 1, 2004
February 1, 2005
Venturini, M. (February 1, 2005). "Simulation of Compressor Transient Behavior Through Recurrent Neural Network Models." ASME. J. Turbomach. July 2006; 128(3): 444–454.
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