Passive energy-efficient design in temperate climates with clear-sky conditions and high solar radiation can lead to a significant reduction in energy use while promoting occupant comfort. This paper presents an optimization of the performance of an office building with a mixed-mode run, including night ventilative cooling and shading strategies in summer. The objective is to assess their effectiveness with zero-energy building criteria. The building design integrates an efficient envelope and renewable energy generation from photovoltaic solar panels on-grid. On-site measurements were taken to collect hygrothermal data and energy demand information. Two office configurations were discussed, open plan and individual office, both options with a high trend to overheat. For all orientations tested, multiple horizontal overhangs have better performance than vertical ones. Results from the net energy balance in the base model present a primary energy demand of 116 kWh/m2/year and the optimization model of 55 kWh/m2/year. To conclude, the positive impact of the implementation of passive design strategies rises the comfort hours in-use period in the open plan office a 70% and in the individual office a 55% and a decrease of 60% of primary energy demand.