This paper evaluates the benefits of scaling-up energy efficiency and renewable energy programs for the building sector in Tunisia. Both energy and non-energy benefits are quantified using a bottom-up analysis approach to assess economic, environmental, and social impacts of a wide range of energy policies targeting new and existing Tunisian building stocks. The investments required to scale-up programs set to improve the energy efficiency performance of existing building stocks are determined in order to assess both their cost-effectiveness and their impact on the overall energy productivity of Tunisia's economy. The energy productivity analysis is performed to account for both energy and non-energy benefits of building-integrated energy efficiency programs. The energy productivity analysis clearly shows that retrofitting existing building stock has several benefits for Tunisia including reduction of the national energy consumption as well as improvement of the country's overall economy energy efficiency. However, only basic retrofit programs are found to be cost-effective for the private sector to implement with discounted payback periods of less than 5 years. Combined with improving the energy efficiency of new and existing buildings, the installation of rooftop photovoltaic systems for households can significantly lower reliance of Tunisia on imported fuels and improve the energy productivity of its overall economy.