This study investigates the reliability of a plate containing a semi-elliptical surface crack intersecting regions of dissimilar material properties. A weakest-link model is developed to express fracture toughness distributions in terms of effective crack lengths that account for the varying stress intensity factor along the crack front. The model is intended to aid in the development of fracture toughness distributions for cracks encountering local brittle zones (LBZ) in the heat-affected zones (HAZ) of welded joints, where lower-bound fracture toughness values have been measured in the laboratory when a significant portion of the crack front is intersecting the coarse-grained LBZs. An example reliability analysis is presented for a surface crack in a material containing alternating bands of two Weibull-distributed toughnesses. [S0892-7219(00)01203-6]
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November 2000
Technical Papers
Reliability of Welded Structures Containing Cracks in Heat-Affected Zones
David B. Lanning, Assistant Professor,,
David B. Lanning, Assistant Professor,
Aerospace Engineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ 86301-3720
Search for other works by this author on:
M.-H. Herman Shen, Mem. ASME, Associate Professor,
M.-H. Herman Shen, Mem. ASME, Associate Professor,
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Aviation, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1276
Search for other works by this author on:
David B. Lanning, Assistant Professor,
Aerospace Engineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ 86301-3720
M.-H. Herman Shen, Mem. ASME, Associate Professor,
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Aviation, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1276
Contributed by the OMAE Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the OMAE Division, June 25, 1999; revised manuscript received March 3, 2000. Associate Technical Editor: R. G. Bea.
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. Nov 2000, 122(4): 225-232 (8 pages)
Published Online: March 3, 2000
Article history
June 25, 1999
March 3, 2000
Lanning, D. B., and Shen, M. H. (March 3, 2000). "Reliability of Welded Structures Containing Cracks in Heat-Affected Zones ." ASME. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. November 2000; 122(4): 225–232.
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