This article explains how combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plants can help in reducing greenhouse gas from the atmosphere. In the last 25 years, the development and deployment of CCGT power plants represent a technology breakthrough in efficient energy conversion, and in the reduction of greenhouse gas production. Existing gas turbine CCGT technology can provide a reliable, on-demand electrical power at a reasonable cost along with a minimum of greenhouse gas production. Natural gas, composed mostly of methane, is a hydrocarbon fuel used by CCGT power plants. Methane has the highest heating value per unit mass of any of the hydrocarbon fuels. It is the most environmentally benign of fuels, with impurities such as sulfur removed before it enters the pipeline. If a significant portion of coal-fired Rankine cycle plants are replaced by the latest natural gas-fired CCGT power plants, anthropogenic carbon dioxide released into the earth’s atmosphere would be greatly reduced.

W. Brian
The Nature of Technology
Free Press
, p.
Eckardt, Dietrich, 2014, Gas Turbine Powerhouse, Oldenbourg Verlag München, pp. 348-351.
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“Table 8.2. Average Tested Heat Rates by Prime Mover of Energy Source, 2007-2013”, April 2, 2015, EIA<>.
“How much carbon dioxide is produced when different fuels are burned?”, June 18, 2015, EIA, <>
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