This article discusses the evolving trend of mobile applications and their increasing use by engineers. With the help of mobile applications for smartphone and tablet, engineers are discovering innovative ways to work that don’t have them tied to their desks. Apps allow engineers to bring drawings with them while on the road, to collaborate with other engineers, and to access information on the shop floor or in the field. Due to the very nature of the mobile platform on which they sit, applications can’t be used at every job. Their adoption depends on the type of work, the work environment, and employees’ attitude. If enough employees do have their own personal devices, there are apps that let employers update employees on the shop floor or in the field. Many engineers use mobile applications to collaborate with their design-team members or to show others, like customers or suppliers, how a product will look or will function. Engineers can also share computer-aided design drawings, design work, spec sheets, and the like through the technology.
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January 2014
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Working Away
Mobile Apps Gain Traction with Engineers
Jean Thilmany is an associate editor of Mechanical Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering. Jan 2014, 136(01): 40-43 (4 pages)
Published Online: January 1, 2014
Thilmany, J. (January 1, 2014). "Working Away." ASME. Mechanical Engineering. January 2014; 136(01): 40–43.
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