A material's design revolution is underway with a focus to design the material microstructure and processing paths to achieve certain performance requirements of products. A host of manufacturing processes are involved in producing a product. The processing carried out in each process influences its final properties. To couple the material processing-structure-property-performance (PSPP) spaces, models of specific manufacturing processes must be enhanced and integrated using multiscale modeling techniques (vertical integration) and then the input and output of the various manufacturing processes must be integrated to facilitate the flow of information from one process to another (horizontal integration). Together vertical and horizontal integration allows for the decision-based design exploration of the manufacturing process chain in an inverse manner to realize the end product. In this paper, we present an inverse method to achieve the integrated design exploration of materials, products, and manufacturing processes through the vertical and horizontal integration of models. The method is supported by the concept exploration framework (CEF) to systematically explore design alternatives and generate satisficing design solutions. The efficacy of the method is illustrated for a hot rod rolling (HRR) and cooling process chain problem by exploring the processing paths and microstructure in an inverse manner to produce a rod with specific mechanical properties. The proposed method and the exploration framework are generic and support the integrated decision-based design exploration of a process chain to realize an end product by tailoring material microstructures and processing paths.
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November 2018
An Inverse, Decision-Based Design Method for Integrated Design Exploration of Materials, Products, and Manufacturing Processes
Anand Balu Nellippallil,
Anand Balu Nellippallil
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: anand.balu@ou.edu
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: anand.balu@ou.edu
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Vignesh Rangaraj,
Vignesh Rangaraj
Industrial and Systems Engineering,
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: rangaraj.vignesh@ou.edu
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: rangaraj.vignesh@ou.edu
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B. P. Gautham,
B. P. Gautham
TCS Research,
Pune 411013, Maharashtra, India
e-mail: bp.gautham@tcs.com
54-B, Hadapsar Industrial Estate
,Pune 411013, Maharashtra, India
e-mail: bp.gautham@tcs.com
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Amarendra Kumar Singh,
Amarendra Kumar Singh
Materials Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016, India
e-mail: amarendra@iitk.ac.in
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016, India
e-mail: amarendra@iitk.ac.in
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Janet K. Allen,
Janet K. Allen
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
202 W Boyd Street, Room 116-G,
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: janet.allen@ou.edu
202 W Boyd Street, Room 116-G,
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: janet.allen@ou.edu
Search for other works by this author on:
Farrokh Mistree
Farrokh Mistree
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: farrokh.mistree@ou.edu
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: farrokh.mistree@ou.edu
Search for other works by this author on:
Anand Balu Nellippallil
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: anand.balu@ou.edu
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: anand.balu@ou.edu
Vignesh Rangaraj
Industrial and Systems Engineering,
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: rangaraj.vignesh@ou.edu
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: rangaraj.vignesh@ou.edu
B. P. Gautham
TCS Research,
Pune 411013, Maharashtra, India
e-mail: bp.gautham@tcs.com
54-B, Hadapsar Industrial Estate
,Pune 411013, Maharashtra, India
e-mail: bp.gautham@tcs.com
Amarendra Kumar Singh
Materials Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016, India
e-mail: amarendra@iitk.ac.in
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016, India
e-mail: amarendra@iitk.ac.in
Janet K. Allen
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
202 W Boyd Street, Room 116-G,
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: janet.allen@ou.edu
202 W Boyd Street, Room 116-G,
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: janet.allen@ou.edu
Farrokh Mistree
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: farrokh.mistree@ou.edu
University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK 73019
e-mail: farrokh.mistree@ou.edu
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Design Automation Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received March 1, 2018; final manuscript received July 19, 2018; published online September 7, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Yan Wang.
J. Mech. Des. Nov 2018, 140(11): 111403 (17 pages)
Published Online: September 7, 2018
Article history
March 1, 2018
July 19, 2018
Nellippallil, A. B., Rangaraj, V., Gautham, B. P., Singh, A. K., Allen, J. K., and Mistree, F. (September 7, 2018). "An Inverse, Decision-Based Design Method for Integrated Design Exploration of Materials, Products, and Manufacturing Processes." ASME. J. Mech. Des. November 2018; 140(11): 111403. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4041050
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