Multicell tubal structures have generated increasing interest in engineering design for their excellent energy-absorbing characteristics when crushed through severe plastic deformation. To make more efficient use of the material, topology optimization was introduced to design multicell tubes under normal crushing. The design problem was formulated to maximize the energy absorption while constraining the structural mass. In this research, the presence or absence of inner walls were taken as design variables. To deal with such a highly nonlinear problem, a heuristic design methodology was proposed based on a modified artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm, in which a constraint-driven mechanism was introduced to determine adjacent food sources for scout bees and neighborhood sources for employed and onlooker bees. The fitness function was customized according to the violation or the satisfaction of the constraints. This modified ABC algorithm was first verified by a square tube with seven design variables and then applied to four other examples with more design variables. The results demonstrated that the proposed heuristic algorithm is capable of handling the topology optimization of multicell tubes under out-of-plane crushing. They also confirmed that the optimized topological designs tend to allocate the material at the corners and around the outer walls. Moreover, the modified ABC algorithm was found to perform better than a genetic algorithm (GA) and traditional ABC in terms of best, worst, and average designs and the probability of obtaining the true optimal topological configuration.
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July 2017
Topology Optimization of Multicell Tubes Under Out-of-Plane Crushing Using a Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Jianguang Fang,
Jianguang Fang
School of Aerospace, Mechanical
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia;
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia;
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Technology Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2007, Australia
University of Technology Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2007, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
Guangyong Sun,
Guangyong Sun
School of Aerospace, Mechanical
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
Na Qiu,
Na Qiu
School of Automotive Studies,
Tongji University,
Shanghai 201804, China
Tongji University,
Shanghai 201804, China
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Grant P. Steven,
Grant P. Steven
School of Aerospace, Mechanical
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
Qing Li
Qing Li
School of Aerospace, Mechanical
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
Jianguang Fang
School of Aerospace, Mechanical
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia;
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia;
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Technology Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2007, Australia
University of Technology Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2007, Australia
Guangyong Sun
School of Aerospace, Mechanical
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
Na Qiu
School of Automotive Studies,
Tongji University,
Shanghai 201804, China
Tongji University,
Shanghai 201804, China
Grant P. Steven
School of Aerospace, Mechanical
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
Qing Li
School of Aerospace, Mechanical
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
and Mechatronic Engineering,
The University of Sydney,
Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Design Automation Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received February 9, 2016; final manuscript received March 10, 2017; published online May 18, 2017. Assoc. Editor: James K. Guest.
J. Mech. Des. Jul 2017, 139(7): 071403 (16 pages)
Published Online: May 18, 2017
Article history
February 9, 2016
March 10, 2017
Fang, J., Sun, G., Qiu, N., Steven, G. P., and Li, Q. (May 18, 2017). "Topology Optimization of Multicell Tubes Under Out-of-Plane Crushing Using a Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm." ASME. J. Mech. Des. July 2017; 139(7): 071403.
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