A wide curve is a curve with width or cross section. This paper introduces a shape and size synthesis method for compliant mechanisms based on free-form wide curve theory. With the proposed method, detailed dimensions synthesis can be performed to further improve the performance after the topology is selected. Every connection in the topology is represented by a parametric wide curve in which variable shape and size are fully described and conveniently controlled by the limited number of parameters. The shape and size synthesis is formulated as the optimization of the control parameters of wide curves corresponding to all connections in the topology. Problem-dependent objectives are optimized and practical constraints are imposed during the optimization process. The optimization problem is solved by the constrained nonlinear programing algorithm in the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox. Two examples are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed synthesis procedure.
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Research Papers
Shape and Size Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms Using Wide Curve Theory
Hong Zhou,
Hong Zhou
Research Assistant
Center for Manufacturing Research,
Tennessee Technological University
, Cookeville, TN 38505
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Kwun-Lon Ting
Kwun-Lon Ting
ASME Fellow
Center for Manufacturing Research,
e-mail: kting@tntech.edu
Tennessee Technological University
, Cookeville, TN 38505
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Hong Zhou
Research Assistant
Center for Manufacturing Research,
Tennessee Technological University
, Cookeville, TN 38505
Kwun-Lon Ting
ASME Fellow
Center for Manufacturing Research,
Tennessee Technological University
, Cookeville, TN 38505e-mail: kting@tntech.edu
J. Mech. Des. May 2006, 128(3): 551-558 (8 pages)
Published Online: July 27, 2005
Article history
October 26, 2004
July 27, 2005
Zhou, H., and Ting, K. (July 27, 2005). "Shape and Size Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms Using Wide Curve Theory." ASME. J. Mech. Des. May 2006; 128(3): 551–558. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.2180809
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