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About the Journal

The Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (JEMT) is a global publishing forum that serves the international and multidisciplinary solid mechanics and materials science community. The journal aims to disseminate novel research work that advances these fields. JEMT addresses a broad spectrum of issues focused on interrelated experimental, computational, and theoretical studies on the mechanics of materials. It also promotes a new fundamental understanding of the behavior of metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, biomaterials, and nanostructured materials at physical scales ranging from the atomistic to the macro.

Papers intended for the journal must primarily emphasize the mechanics of materials, materials science, or both. Papers primarily emphasizing manufacturing science, tribology, or device performance will be referred to other ASME journals focusing on these areas. Additionally, an in-depth discussion of the impact, novelty, and motivation of the system under study is strongly recommended. Authors are encouraged to place their work in the context of relevant and recent literature to highlight the specific contribution of their original research work.

Types of Contributions:
JEMT welcomes submissions of several article types, including research papers, technical briefs, review and prospective articles, and special issues. All article types are peer-reviewed. Details regarding the types of contributions are available at ASME’s Journal Submission Types. It is noted that the Editor-in-Chief typically invites authors of review or prospective articles and guest editors for special issues. Those with ideas for a review or prospective article should contact the Editor-in-Chief with a summary and outline of the proposed scope of the article. Those with ideas for special issues can submit a proposal to the Editor-in-Chief that describes the scope of the proposed special issue.


  • Multiscale modeling and experiments: While modeling and experimental studies are within scope, there is particular interest in combined model-experiment efforts. Techniques applicable across length and time scales, from atomistic to continuum/macro-scales, are within scope. Purely experimental studies that present conventional mechanical property studies will not be considered for review unless deeper insight into the material system is presented. Similarly, experimental/computational studies where optimization of processing or fitting parameters is the primary goal will also not be considered for review unless additional novelty is motivated in the manuscript.
  • Deformation and failure of material systems: Studies related to elastic-plastic behavior, work hardening, high-temperature creep, fatigue, fracture, or some combination of these are within scope. Particular interest is in research work that aims to improve our fundamental understanding of these processes and the underlying deformation and damage mechanisms responsible for such behavior.
  • Behavior of materials under extreme conditions: Studies related to dynamic loading, corrosive, high-temperature, or high-pressure environments are within scope. Our scope also includes environmental effects on material response. Situations in which material systems undergo complex extreme loading conditions or environments, for example some combination of the conditions just listed, are particularly interesting.
  • Effect of processing techniques on material structure and the corresponding mechanical response of materials: Contributions that encompass work addressing any part of the process-structure-property-performance relationship for different material systems is within scope of the journal.
  • Role of microstructure in material deformation and failure behavior: Studies related to microstructural features such as grain size, phase distribution, and defects, and their influence on mechanical response, damage evolution, failure mode, thermomechanical behavior, or some combination thereof are of particular interest.
  • Material systems: The material systems of interest to JEMT are wide-ranging in scope and include, but are not limited to, metals and alloys, polymers, ceramics, composites, geomaterials, biomaterials, mechanical metamaterials and structured materials.
  • Diversity and Inclusion The Technical Committee on Publications and Communications endorses the commitment of ASME to support diversity and to create and ensure inclusive and ethical practices for publishing as well as the science and engineering professions.

    Frequency: Quarterly

    ISSN: 0094-4289
    eISSN: 1528-8889

    Title History
    Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (ISSN: 0094-4289), 1973 - Present

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    Impact Factor: 2.4
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    (Clarivate Analytics, 2024)

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