Full Size pipe tests have been conducted as part of EPRI research programs at the General Electric Company to verify IGSCC crack growth predictions made using a linear elastic fracture mechanics model. The tests on 10.16 cm (4 pipes) were performed in oxygenated, high temperature, high purity water. The pipes were produced through standard manufacturing procedures which in turn led to characteristic field piping sensitization levels in the heat affected zones (HAZ) and characteristic through wall weld residual stresses. The tests were conducted at stresses equal to or below the yield strength under constant load with limited cycling. Ultrasonic inspection and metallography were used to characterize crack depth after several test phases and used to verify model predictions. Significant cracks were detected and radial and circumferential growth were documented. These test results support the predictions made using linear elastic fracture mechanics modeling, and are discussed in terms of crack growth data developed in CT specimens in the laboratory. The stress level and oxygen level are shown to influence the crack growth rates. Rates of circumferential crack growth are also evaluated. The paper discusses the results in the context of other stress corrosion evaluations as well.

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