Additive manufacturing (AM) has become a serious and potential game-changing method of manufacturing over the years since the first commercial technology for “Rapid Prototyping” in 1988. Even though we are advanced, the current accomplishments are still far from the level which can be expected in the future. Innovative approaches toward design are required to capture the full potential of this technology. This paper describes the advantages and possibilities of AM technologies, and how they can be used in various sectors (e.g., engineering, automotive, aerospace, medical, and consumer products, etc.) as alternative methods for manufacturing energy efficient parts with fewer raw materials. To take advantage of the capabilities of these technologies, new and enhanced design methods and procedures are required. This paper addresses strategic implications of widespread adoption of AM. It also reports how engineers need to change their thinking pattern to be able to use the full potential of the AM technologies. Engineers should be aware of the capabilities of the AM technologies and the available material selections to make the right decisions at the beginning of a design process. Also reported herein, in addition to building very complex shapes with various material mixtures, are the capabilities of fabricating lattice and hollow-core structures. Reduction of a product's weight is a great option for saving energy and cost, particularly for the automotive and aerospace sectors. However, it is still important to ensure the part has the necessary strength. The objective of the current research is to analyze and prove how certain shapes of cell structures influence the strength and flexibility of parts. Conclusion address the importance of understanding the strategic implications on AM for government officials, educators, researchers, and industrial leaders.
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December 2014
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Strategic Implications of Current Trends in Additive Manufacturing
Christiane Beyer
Christiane Beyer
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
California State University
,Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd.
,Long Beach, CA 90840
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Christiane Beyer
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
California State University
,Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd.
,Long Beach, CA 90840
Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Manuscript received April 16, 2014; final manuscript received September 13, 2014; published online October 24, 2014. Assoc. Editor: Joseph Beaman.
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. Dec 2014, 136(6): 064701 (8 pages)
Published Online: October 24, 2014
Article history
April 16, 2014
Revision Received:
September 13, 2014
Beyer, C. (October 24, 2014). "Strategic Implications of Current Trends in Additive Manufacturing." ASME. J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. December 2014; 136(6): 064701.
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