Experimental single-phase, condensation, and evaporation (flow boiling) pressure drop data from the literature and our previous studies were collected to evaluate previous frictional pressure drop correlations for horizontal microfin tubes of different geometries. The modified Ravigururajan and Bergles correlation, by adopting the Churchill model to calculate the smooth-tube friction factor and by using the hydraulic diameter in the Reynolds number, can predict single-phase turbulent frictional pressure drop data relatively well. Eleven pressure drop correlations were evaluated by the collected database for condensation and evaporation. Correlations originally developed for condensation and evaporation in smooth tubes can be suitable for microfin tubes if the friction factors in the correlations were calculated by the Churchill model to include microfin effects. The three most accurate correlations were recommended for condensation and evaporation in microfin tubes. The Cavallini et al. correlation and the modified Friedel correlation can give good predictions for both condensation and evaporation. However, some inconsistencies were found, even for the recommended correlations.
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Frictional Pressure Drop Correlations for Single-Phase Flow, Condensation, and Evaporation in Microfin Tubes
Zan Wu,
Zan Wu
Department of Energy Sciences,
Lund University,
P.O. Box 118,
Lund SE 22100, Sweden
e-mail: zan.wu@energy.lth.se
Lund University,
P.O. Box 118,
Lund SE 22100, Sweden
e-mail: zan.wu@energy.lth.se
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Bengt Sundén
Bengt Sundén
Fellow ASME
Department of Energy Sciences,
Lund University,
P.O. Box 118,
Lund SE 22100, Sweden
e-mail: bengt.sunden@energy.lth.se
Department of Energy Sciences,
Lund University,
P.O. Box 118,
Lund SE 22100, Sweden
e-mail: bengt.sunden@energy.lth.se
Search for other works by this author on:
Zan Wu
Department of Energy Sciences,
Lund University,
P.O. Box 118,
Lund SE 22100, Sweden
e-mail: zan.wu@energy.lth.se
Lund University,
P.O. Box 118,
Lund SE 22100, Sweden
e-mail: zan.wu@energy.lth.se
Bengt Sundén
Fellow ASME
Department of Energy Sciences,
Lund University,
P.O. Box 118,
Lund SE 22100, Sweden
e-mail: bengt.sunden@energy.lth.se
Department of Energy Sciences,
Lund University,
P.O. Box 118,
Lund SE 22100, Sweden
e-mail: bengt.sunden@energy.lth.se
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received January 1, 2015; final manuscript received June 27, 2015; published online September 2, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Amitabh Narain.
J. Heat Transfer. Feb 2016, 138(2): 022901 (9 pages)
Published Online: September 2, 2015
Article history
January 1, 2015
June 27, 2015
Wu, Z., and Sundén, B. (September 2, 2015). "Frictional Pressure Drop Correlations for Single-Phase Flow, Condensation, and Evaporation in Microfin Tubes." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. February 2016; 138(2): 022901. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4031268
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