Dry-out is an essential phenomenon that has been observed experimentally in both slug and annular flow regimes for flow boiling in mini and microchannels. The dry-out leads to a drastic drop in heat transfer coefficient, reversible flow and may cause a serious damage to the microchannel. Consequently, the study and prediction of this phenomenon is an essential objective for flow boiling in microchannels. The aim of this work is to develop an analytical model to predict the critical heat flux (CHF) based on the prediction of liquid film variation in annular flow regime for flow boiling in a horizontal uniformly heated circular microtube. The model is developed by applying one-dimensional (1D) separated flow model for a control volume in annular flow regime for steady, and sable saturated flow boiling. The influence of interfacial shear and inertia force on the liquid film thickness is taken into account. The effects of operating conditions, channel sizes, and working fluids on the CHF have been investigated. The model was compared with 110 CHF data points for flow boiling of various working fluids, (water, LN2, FC-72, and R134a) in single and multiple micro/minichannels with diameter ranges of and heated-length to diameter ratios in the range of (117.7 470). Additionally, three CHF correlations developed for saturated flow boiling in a single microtube have been employed for the model validation. The model showed a good agreement with the experimental CHF data with mean absolute error (MAE) = 19.81%.
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Modeling of Dry-Out Incipience for Flow Boiling in a Circular Microchannel at a Uniform Heat Flux
Amen Younes,
Amen Younes
Department of Mechanical
and Industrial Engineering,
e-mail: amyounes2001@gmail.com
and Industrial Engineering,
Concordia University
,455 de Maisonneuve Bouelvard W
,Montreal, QC H3G 1M8
, Canada
e-mail: amyounes2001@gmail.com
Search for other works by this author on:
Ibrahim Hassan
Ibrahim Hassan
Department of Mechanical
and Industrial Engineering,
and Industrial Engineering,
Concordia University
,455 de Maisonneuve Bouelvard W
,Montreal, QC H3G 1M8
, Canada
Mechanical Engineering Department,
e-mail: ibrahimh@alcor.concordia.ca
Texas A&M University at Qatar
,P.O. Box 23874, Doha
, Qatar
e-mail: ibrahimh@alcor.concordia.ca
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Amen Younes
Department of Mechanical
and Industrial Engineering,
e-mail: amyounes2001@gmail.com
and Industrial Engineering,
Concordia University
,455 de Maisonneuve Bouelvard W
,Montreal, QC H3G 1M8
, Canada
e-mail: amyounes2001@gmail.com
Ibrahim Hassan
Department of Mechanical
and Industrial Engineering,
and Industrial Engineering,
Concordia University
,455 de Maisonneuve Bouelvard W
,Montreal, QC H3G 1M8
, Canada
Mechanical Engineering Department,
e-mail: ibrahimh@alcor.concordia.ca
Texas A&M University at Qatar
,P.O. Box 23874, Doha
, Qatar
e-mail: ibrahimh@alcor.concordia.ca
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received May 1, 2013; final manuscript received October 19, 2014; published online November 25, 2014. Assoc. Editor: Wei Tong.
J. Heat Transfer. Feb 2015, 137(2): 021502 (12 pages)
Published Online: February 1, 2015
Article history
May 1, 2013
Revision Received:
October 19, 2014
November 25, 2014
Younes, A., and Hassan, I. (February 1, 2015). "Modeling of Dry-Out Incipience for Flow Boiling in a Circular Microchannel at a Uniform Heat Flux." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. February 2015; 137(2): 021502. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4029019
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