A novel method, the Double Rays Method (DRM), is proposed to capture the discontinuous nature of the radiation intensity, in order to reduce false scattering of the discrete ordinates method (DOM). Numerical tests demonstrate that the DRM successfully removes false scattering in all the two-dimensional test problems discussed in this paper. The effect of false scattering on the computational results in two-dimensional situations is investigated with the DRM. False scattering plays a double role: when the boundary emits radiation in a limited number of directions, or when the irradiation comes from a limited number of directions, it produces a smeared intensity field and radiative heat flux distribution, and thus must be removed. In the case of diffuse boundary, however, false scattering plays a useful role and thus should be retained.
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Reduction of False Scattering of the Discrete Ordinates Method
Hong-Shun Li,
Hong-Shun Li
Institut de Science et de Ge´nie des Mate´riaux et Proce´de´s, IMP-CNRS, BP 5-Odeillo, 66125 Font-Romeau Ce´dex, France
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Gilles Flamant,
e-mail: gilles.flamant@imp.cnrs.fr
Gilles Flamant
Institut de Science et de Ge´nie des Mate´riaux et Proce´de´s, IMP-CNRS, BP 5-Odeillo, 66125 Font-Romeau Ce´dex, France
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Ji-Dong Lu
Ji-Dong Lu
National Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, P.R. China
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Hong-Shun Li
Institut de Science et de Ge´nie des Mate´riaux et Proce´de´s, IMP-CNRS, BP 5-Odeillo, 66125 Font-Romeau Ce´dex, France
Gilles Flamant
Institut de Science et de Ge´nie des Mate´riaux et Proce´de´s, IMP-CNRS, BP 5-Odeillo, 66125 Font-Romeau Ce´dex, France
e-mail: gilles.flamant@imp.cnrs.fr
Ji-Dong Lu
National Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, P.R. China
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received by the Heat Transfer Division October 6, 2000; revision received May 9, 2002. Associate Editor: A. Majumdar.
J. Heat Transfer. Oct 2002, 124(5): 837-844 (8 pages)
Published Online: September 11, 2002
Article history
October 6, 2000
May 9, 2002
September 11, 2002
Li , H., Flamant, G., and Lu, J. (September 11, 2002). "Reduction of False Scattering of the Discrete Ordinates Method ." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. October 2002; 124(5): 837–844. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1495518
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