The optical properties of soot were studied for the fuel-lean (overfire) region of buoyant turbulent diffusion flames in still air. Results were limited to the long residence time regime where soot structure is independent of position in the overfire region and residence time for a particular fuel. Measurements included scattering, absorption, and extinction cross sections at 514.5 nm and extinction cross sections at 632.8 and 1152 nm for flames fueled with acetylene, propylene, ethylene, and propane. The measurements were used to evaluate scattering predictions based on the Rayleigh-Debye-Gans (RDG) approximation for randomly oriented poly disperse fractal aggregates of spherical primary soot particles having constant diameters. The present soot aggregates exhibited significant departures from Rayleigh-scattering behavior at 514.5 nm, with forward scattering roughly 100 times larger than wide-angle scattering and ratios of scattering to absorption cross sections in the range 0.22–0.41, increasing with increasing propensity of the fuel to soot. The approximate RDG theory generally provided an acceptable basis to treat the optical properties of the present overfire soot aggregates, although additional measurements in the Guinier (small angle) regime are needed for a definitive evaluation of model performance.
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Research Papers
Optical Properties of Overfire Soot in Buoyant Turbulent Diffusion Flames at Long Residence Times
U¨. O¨. Ko¨ylu¨,
U¨. O¨. Ko¨ylu¨
Department of Aerospace Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140
Search for other works by this author on:
G. M. Faeth
G. M. Faeth
Department of Aerospace Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140
Search for other works by this author on:
U¨. O¨. Ko¨ylu¨
Department of Aerospace Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140
G. M. Faeth
Department of Aerospace Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140
J. Heat Transfer. Feb 1994, 116(1): 152-159 (8 pages)
Published Online: February 1, 1994
Article history
August 1, 1992
May 1, 1993
May 23, 2008
Ko¨ylu¨, U. O., and Faeth, G. M. (February 1, 1994). "Optical Properties of Overfire Soot in Buoyant Turbulent Diffusion Flames at Long Residence Times." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. February 1994; 116(1): 152–159.
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