Analytical treatment of problems in perfect film lubrication is in general very difficult; solutions have thus far been obtained only in a few relatively simple cases. The paper describes methods by which fairly accurate solutions of any stated cases may be obtained experimentally, through the analogy between electrical potential and current flow in a conductor and pressure and volume flow in the lubricating film. Electrical measurements are made upon enlarged models of the lubricating films, the models being bodies of conducting fluid contained in wooden boxes having forms determined by theory. Pressures at points in a film having been deduced from the electrical data, graphical or other means of integration are used to determine the total load, the friction, and the quantities of oil flow at the edges of the film. The method is not limited as regards the shape of the film or variation of viscosity within the film. Solutions are given for a number of cases of plane bearing surfaces and journal bearings, showing close agreement with analytical solutions in cases where the latter have been obtained.