The current study considers the prediction of tip vortex cavitation inception at a fundamental physics based level. Starting form the observation that cavitation inception detection is based on the “monitoring” of the interaction between bubble nuclei and the flow field, the bubble dynamics is investigated in detail. A spherical model coupled with a bubble motion equation is used to study numerically the dynamics of a nucleus in an imposed flow field. The code provides bubble size and position versus time as well as the resulting pressure at any selected monitoring position. This model is used to conduct a parametric study. Bubble size and emitted sound versus time are presented for various nuclei sizes and flow field scales in the case of an ideal Rankine vortex to which a longitudinal viscous core size diffusion model is imposed. Based on the results, one can deduce cavitation inception with the help of either an “optical inception criterion” (maximum bubble size larger than a given value) or an “acoustical inception criterion” (maximum detected noise higher than a given background value). We use here such criteria and conclude that scaling effects can be inherent to the way in which these criteria are exercised if the bubble dynamics knowledge is not taken into account.
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January 2003
Technical Papers
Scaling Effect on Prediction of Cavitation Inception in a Line Vortex Flow
Chao-Tsung Hsiao,
Chao-Tsung Hsiao
Dynaflow, Inc., 10621-J Iron Bridge Road, Jessup, MD 20794
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Georges L. Chahine,
Georges L. Chahine
Dynaflow, Inc., 10621-J Iron Bridge Road, Jessup, MD 20794
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Han-Lieh Liu
Han-Lieh Liu
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Crystal Plaza 3, Room 2C02, Washington, DC 20231
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Chao-Tsung Hsiao
Dynaflow, Inc., 10621-J Iron Bridge Road, Jessup, MD 20794
Georges L. Chahine
Dynaflow, Inc., 10621-J Iron Bridge Road, Jessup, MD 20794
Han-Lieh Liu
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Crystal Plaza 3, Room 2C02, Washington, DC 20231
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division May 18, 2001; revised manuscript received July 1, 2002. Associate Editor: E. Graf.
J. Fluids Eng. Jan 2003, 125(1): 53-60 (8 pages)
Published Online: January 22, 2003
Article history
May 18, 2001
July 1, 2002
January 22, 2003
Hsiao , C., Chahine, G. L., and Liu, H. (January 22, 2003). "Scaling Effect on Prediction of Cavitation Inception in a Line Vortex Flow ." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. January 2003; 125(1): 53–60.
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