Optimal placement of oil, gas or water wells is a complex problem that depends on reservoir and fluid properties, well and surface equipment specifications, as well as economic parameters. An optimization approach that enables the evaluation of all these information is presented. A hybrid of the genetic algorithm (GA) forms the basis of the optimization technique. GA operators such as uniform, single-point, two-point crossover, uniform mutation, elitism, tournament and fitness scaling were used. An additional operator that employs kriging is proposed. The GA was hybridized with the polytope algorithm, which makes use of the trends in the search space. The hybrid algorithm was tested on a set of mathematical functions with different characteristics in order to determine the performance sensitivity to GA operators and hybridization. Simple test cases of oil production optimization on 16×16 simulation grids with known optimum well locations were carried out to verify the hybrid GA results. Next, runs were carried out for a 32×32 problem. The locations of a production and injection well were optimized in the case of three existing producers. Exhaustive runs were carried out for these cases to determine the effects of the operators, hybridization and the population size on the performance of the algorithm for well placement problems. Subsequently, the optimum configuration of two injection wells were determined with two existing producers in the field. It was observed that the hybrid algorithm is able to reduce the required number of simulations substantially over simple GA. [S0195-0738(00)00502-1]
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June 2000
Technical Papers
Optimization of Well Placement
Baris Guyaguler,
Baris Guyaguler
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, 65 Green Earth Sciences Building, Stanford, CA 74305
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Roland Horne
Roland Horne
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, 65 Green Earth Sciences Building, Stanford, CA 74305
Search for other works by this author on:
Baris Guyaguler
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, 65 Green Earth Sciences Building, Stanford, CA 74305
Roland Horne
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, 65 Green Earth Sciences Building, Stanford, CA 74305
Contributed by the Petroleum Division and presented at the ETCE/OMRE2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 14–17, 2000, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received by the Petroleum Division, October 28, 1999; revised manuscript received February 8, 2000. Associate Technical Editor: C. Sarica.
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Jun 2000, 122(2): 64-70 (7 pages)
Published Online: October 28, 1999
Article history
October 28, 1999
Guyaguler , B., and Horne, R. (October 28, 1999). "Optimization of Well Placement ." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. June 2000; 122(2): 64–70. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.483164
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