A comparative study was performed to evaluate the three most widely used elastic-plastic fracture mechanics methodologies. The three methods are the crack opening displacement (COD) design curve, which is widely used in the offshore industry, the British Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) R6 method, and the J-resistance curve method. Analyses of various flawed geometries based on these three methods were performed using consistent material fracture properties. The results of both the COD and R6 methods were compared with those of the J-resistance curve, which is the most rigorous of the three methods. The results of the COD concept, following BSI PD 6493 procedures, appear to be conservative at applied stress levels below 60 percent of the material yield strength and unconservative above this value. However, the results of the R6 method appear to be consistently conservative. The behavior of COD design curve solutions can be improved when the structural geometry and the actual stress-strain relationship are properly considered in the analyses.

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