
Automated manufacturing feature recognition is a crucial link between computer-aided design and manufacturing, facilitating process selection and other downstream tasks in computer-aided process planning. While various methods such as graph-based, rule-based, and neural networks have been proposed for automatic feature recognition, they suffer from poor scalability or computational inefficiency. Recently, voxel-based convolutional neural networks have shown promise in solving these challenges but incur a tradeoff between computational cost and feature resolution. This paper investigates a computationally efficient sparse voxel-based convolutional neural network for manufacturing feature recognition, specifically, an octree-based sparse voxel convolutional neural network. This model is trained on a large-scale manufacturing feature dataset, and its performance is compared to a voxel-based feature recognition model (FeatureNet). The results indicate that the octree-based model yields higher feature recognition accuracy (99.5% on the test dataset) with 44% lower GPU memory consumption than a voxel-based model of comparable resolution. In addition, increasing the resolution of the octree-based model enables recognition of finer manufacturing features. These results indicate that a sparse voxel-based convolutional neural network is a computationally efficient deep learning model for manufacturing feature recognition to enable process planning automation. Moreover, the sparse voxel-based neural network demonstrated comparable performance to a boundary representation-based feature recognition neural network, achieving similar accuracy in single feature recognition without having access to the exact 3D shape descriptors

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